About Me
Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you for taking the time to take a look over here.
My name is Jan-Jaap Top. I am a Dutch guy with dyslexia, so that explains all the grammar mistakes in my blogs.
In 2016 I started the study: Media and entertainment management. The study that gave me the opportunity to study abroad in the third year. My journey will start in Bali, Indonesia where I will stay for 10 weeks to study Media innovation in tourism, directly afterward I will go to Doha, Qatar to study International destination branding for another 10 weeks.
Since I got awarded the Holland Scholarship I decided to share my story this way.
A little bit of history.
In the summer of 2015, I joined the Hardnews.nl crew as a volunteer. They gave me the chance to start writing about one of my biggest passions: Hardstyle festivals. Now 3 years later I want to take you with me on my study journey abroad.
In 2017 I decided to buy my own camera to share some stories due to photographing and sometimes with videos. So, expect some awesome photos and hopefully videos on my blog.
See that was just a little bit.